Cash Discount and Merchant Surcharging are programs that are sweeping the nation. These programs allow merchants to share some or all of the burden of the credit card processing fees with the consumer. Thanks to a class action lawsuit against the payment card industry, merchants have been awarded the right to add a service fee to reduce or eliminate the cost of the processing.
We fully believe in the merchant’s right to implement these programs. The option for fee sharing is rapidly becoming commonplace today’s markets. Consumers are happy to have the convenience of using their reward credit cards while our merchants are happy for the relief of their processing fees.
If you own a business and have never accepted credit cards in the past due to the fees this program is for you! Consumers are more than happy to pay a small service fee in order to use their credit cards. We have many success stories where our merchants who were not processing in the past were able to increase their revenue by accepting credit card payments.
Talk to us about how you can get set up on this program and we will help you every step of the way.